My gay little interests (all of which I am critical of): Denonbu, unfortunately Project Sekai (trying to grow out of it but i just got t100 on ena3 so oops), noodletub's gay little games (Love Bakudan, Renai Bakudan), sort of love live but mainly what the seiyuu are getting up to nowadays outside of the franchise and any good new songs, the eastern EDM scene, Big Brother UK, The Traitors, Eurovision, Grey's Anatomy (mainly just the lesbians), Pokemon, my 4 stupid ass animals, others that i'm forgetting to put on here but i like a lot of shit wooo
Oh I also play drums and stuff

Oshis/fav characters: Inubousaki Shian, Sakurano Mimito, Minakami Hina, Hidaka Reina, Shirokane Aki, Taiga Lucia, Abeno-Shakuji-Maya, Ogami Matoi, Ray (Bellemule), Toramaru Ema, Gaga Rekka, Yanami Rain, Kurosawa Dia, Kurosawa Ruby, Kunikida Hanamaru, Yazawa Nico, Kousaka Honoka, Koizumi Hanayo, Shinonome Ena, Hanasato Minori, Kurosu Himeko, Hasegawa Akane, Zinnia/Higana (ORAS), I'm so sorry to put a danganronpa character in here but like Ogami Sakura tho, also sorry to put an omori character in but I'm also an Aubrey enjoyer, Arizona Robbins + Callie Torres (i love my lesbian doctor milfs)

Favourite artists/producers/seiyuu: Literally everyone involved in denonbu in any way everyone is so cool and talented,
Komiya Arisa, Takatsuki Kanako, Furihata Ai, Hasegawa Rena, Kozakai Yurie, Omori Nichika, Yoshida Rinne, AZK, Wotoha, Amane Miho, Akina, Ichigo Rinahamu, CY8ER, Kisumi Rei, STEAKA, Kaizo Slumber, Suzuki Minori, Sumi Tomomi Jiena, Marpril, Snail's House, Moe Shop, sano kamome, NUU$HI, Gustaph, Verka Seduchka, Sharda, Mall Grab, LADY'S ONLY (rip), Jacotanu, PSYQUI, KOTONOHOUSE
Every denonbu/proseka/lovelive seiyuu ever basically i just think they are all very cool people

BYF: My account is currently 90% Denonbu 10% everything else and I post a lot of pics of my pets lol. Minus being an enjoyer of 2 games that have nsfw aspects in, my account is pretty much completely sfw. Heavily nsfw accounts make me very uncomfortable and i block a lot of them. I block a lot of people in general, reasons ranging from them being deeply unhinged to having poor taste in ships to them being just a young teenager on the interwebs who i don't want to interact with bc i am 21 and they are a small child to me. I do tweet about politics quite a lot, I want this world to become the best place it can be and I have very strong opinions so don't be surprised if you see me rightfully shitting on the cunts that are fucking up the UK rn.

Stay the fuck away from me if: basic DNI criteria, you excuse pedophilia/incest/abuse/SA/anything grossly problematic being glorified, sexualised or normalised in any way including in fiction, sexualise seiyuu, sexualise minors real or fictional or justify it or friends with anyone who does, under 14 (i will only fb 17+ but you're ok to follow me if you're over 14 and i havent blocked you for being a fetus sorry its for my comfort pls understand) use slurs you can't reclaim, argue over ships, lgbt exclusionist, friends with creepy seiyuu fans/are a creepy seiyuu fan, you post about genshin a lot (nothing personal i'm just so over seeing it everywhere), one of those 'sadkasa' mfs, interact with or are on edtwt/shtwt GET OUT OF THERE, aren't critical of media you consume, terf/swerf, zionist, fence sitter (aka you don't consider yourself pro palestine, fuck you) coloniser apologist, dislike cats (they dont like you either hisssss) football fan (yes i am serious. i see a bigoted tweet and most of the time its from a manchild behind a football account)

Links to my work and stuff!:
Denonbu novels
Main Novel (Akiba, Harajuku, Azabu, Shibuya, Kabuki areas) I've translated all of Part 1 and summarised the first half of Part 2, as the Part 2 chapters are paywalled (booo). The second half of Part 2 is currently ongoing, I'm working on more summaries
Ikebukuro Novel: separate from the main novel, features the three girls of the Ikebukuro area. Ongoing, I'm TLing chapter by chapter
Shin Okubo Novel: separate from the main novel, features the three girls of the Shin Okubo area. Ongoing, I'm TLing chapter by chapter
I'm inubousakishian on discord and @tokyobugnight on the gram!